Tuesday, July 17, 2007

dream girl

if only you knew me
when i am asleep
i think you'd like me more

i kiss you harder
and softer and longer
and can tell what i'm kissing you for

when i'm asleep
the colors are brighter
but the rules seem a hazier gray

and i'm flirtier and funnier
my personality's sunnier
and it's always a crazier day

the funny thing is
i'm not typically skinnier
i think i'm the same general me

but for whatever reason
(i didn't think i was inhibited?)
i'm the person i wish i could be

i think you'd like me better
if you knew me in my sleep
at least, i know i like me better that way

if you could come with me
into my lucid dream world
i'd be happy to sleep through the day


admin said...

I really enjoyed this poem, I think it is because I am a sucker for love poems and because I am in the middle of writing a poem about a dream girl maybe it will be the answer to your poem! ! ! But thank you for writing this poem i really enjoyed it. If you want to take a look at some of my work this is the link


ADDollhouse said...

Wow! I've never had a poem ANSWERED before... that would be... awesomely flattering. *blush*

I will have to keep an eye on your blog. And yes, read some of your other stuff in return anyway... thank you for the compliments. Very much.

© Kipluck aka: BethAnn Mayberry All work is the exclusive property of the blog author, Kipluck, under her legal name unless otherwise noted. If you want to use it for something, chances are I will say yes if you ASK. If you don't ask, I will sue your pants off. For the record, my best friend StephAnn has the right to play with any and all of my poetry she wants. We are partners in crime.