Thursday, January 25, 2007

Exs and Ohs

How can I have Exs
when I haven't any Ohs
In life's big game
of Tic Tac Toe?

Not that I'd really
want an Ex, per say
but an Oh would be nice
at least someday.

Ya gotta meet some frogs
while your lookin' for a prince
Well, I have no frogs
so that should give you a hint.

So I don't have any Exs
and I don't have any Ohs
In my Love-struck version
of Tic Tac Toe.

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© Kipluck aka: BethAnn Mayberry All work is the exclusive property of the blog author, Kipluck, under her legal name unless otherwise noted. If you want to use it for something, chances are I will say yes if you ASK. If you don't ask, I will sue your pants off. For the record, my best friend StephAnn has the right to play with any and all of my poetry she wants. We are partners in crime.