Thursday, January 25, 2007

kitchen floor in january

[Why was the kitchen always so cold winter mornings in our house in Provo?]

kitchen floor in january

the kitchen floor is cold this morning
white tile like stationary glaciers
the cold pours through my bones
from my bare feet, and i shiver
a winter fly, whose life is ebbing anyway
runs across, defying his name
i squish it stoically in a tissue
and look at the snow out the window
too biting and harsh
I look away and try to decide
which would be warmer
pancakes or eggs?


Anonymous said...

Great work.

ADDollhouse said...

Thank you very much. Weird. I have moved a few times since then, and now am again in cold house. hee hee!

© Kipluck aka: BethAnn Mayberry All work is the exclusive property of the blog author, Kipluck, under her legal name unless otherwise noted. If you want to use it for something, chances are I will say yes if you ASK. If you don't ask, I will sue your pants off. For the record, my best friend StephAnn has the right to play with any and all of my poetry she wants. We are partners in crime.