Thursday, January 25, 2007

Grasshoppers on Speed

[Yes, a lot of these are old. Like, written in High school. I will get the new stuff here, too, eventually.]

Grasshoppers on Speed

writing poetry
is therapeutic
because as the emotions
jump around my brain
like grasshoppers on speed
the poetry
melts them
and they can seep through my arms
down to my fingers
and into the key board
and stored on a disk
like a game or term paper
emotions and thoughts
captured in an electronic cage
and I hold the key
and keep it in the bottom of my pocket
so they can't escape
and make me cry again

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© Kipluck aka: BethAnn Mayberry All work is the exclusive property of the blog author, Kipluck, under her legal name unless otherwise noted. If you want to use it for something, chances are I will say yes if you ASK. If you don't ask, I will sue your pants off. For the record, my best friend StephAnn has the right to play with any and all of my poetry she wants. We are partners in crime.